Wednesday, May 01, 2019


Hey everybody!

I finally joined society6! I currently only have one image up but I'm working to add more. You can check my store out here:

(No pressure...but totally check it out and stuff, ok? OK???!!!)

Also, this...

Just realized I never posted these bad boys on the ol' bloggy blog.  You can check out more of my work at

Jessica Clark; Clark Ladies; Micron and Colored Pencil on Paper; 7.75" x 6" (approximately), 2018

Jessica Clark; Little Lord Chirpsleroy; Micron and Colored Pencil on Paper; 8.25" x 10.25" (approximately), 2018

Jessica Clark; Robot Tea Party; Micron with Colored Pencil on Paper; 7" x 5", 2018

New scans, man

Working to add to color to this one as I type...

The pen drawing was based on this original drawing on canvas...